Category: Circuits


Automatic Light Control Circuits

These circuits can be used for different automatic light sensing projects including automatic night lamp, automatic street light controller, dark sensor circuits, etc. Automatic night lamp circuit using IC 555 and LDR An automatic night...


Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectifier Circuits: A Complete Guide

Direct current flows only in one direction, which means it has a constant polarity across its terminals. Where an Alternating current periodically changes its direction of the current, that is an alternating polarity at...


Music Generator circuit using IC UM66

UM66 melody generator is a simple and easy DIY project which is suitable for beginners and hobbyists. The circuit can be used as a doorbell, musical alarm, musical bell, etc. IC UM66 The UM66...


Infrared burglar alarm using IC 555 circuit diagram

This infrared burglar alarm can use at doors, entries, etc. To alerts us, when somebody crosses through the IR beam. As the IR beams are invisible to human eyes, the circuit can work as a hidden security device. To...


LED Flasher Circuits Using 555 Timer IC

IC 555 Simple LED Flasher An LED flasher circuit can be used as an LED blinker, vehicle indicator light, signal flashlight, etc. A simple blinking circuit is basically a circuit to continuously ON and...


Voltage controlled oscillator circuit – VCO using 555

A Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) circuit varies its frequency of the oscillation with respect to the externally applied voltage. The VCO circuit can obtain a linear variation of oscillation in relation to the input voltage. The...


IR remote control circuit diagram

The here circuit is for a single channel Infrared remote controller which can be used to control home appliances and devices. The IR remote controller consists of a receiver circuit similar to a latching...