How to send receive SMS from GSM modem using arduino

sim800 gsm module, interfacing sim900a with arduino

Interfacing sim800 / sim900A GSM module with arduino

Here describes the interfacing between a SIM 800 GSM / SIM 900A GSM module with an Arduino board via TTL serial communication.

Arduino gsm module pinout

Arduino pin GSM modem pin

For a TTL serial connection, connect the pins from the GSM device to Arduino as,  Rx pin to TX pin and TX pin to Rx pin. Or if the software serial is used, connect to the declared Transmitter and Receiver pins. If the Arduino code uses the serial communication as Serial.begin(9600), the TX and RX pins will be default TX and RX pins of the AVR microcontroller which is labelled on the Arduino UNO board. So just plug to TX pin (pin 1) and the RX pin (pin 0).

E.g: – SoftwareSerial mySerial (2, 3); // RX digital pin 2, TX digital pin 3.

gsm module sim900 , GSM module interface , GSM module pin

GSM modems may also have a female RS232 serial port for direct connection to PC. In order to work directly with hyper terminal or similar serial terminals using AT commands.

GSM modem booting

Insert the SIM card into the SIM socket of the module and lock it.

gsm module sim900a , gsm module sim800

The GSM module requires a considerable amount of power to establish a network connection, and for operations. So power from the Arduino board will not be enough for it. So an external power is required for most GSM modules.

The GSM module Commonly has a 12V DC input, which can be connected either via DC socket or through connector pins. Plug a 12V adapter into the Socket or power it by connector pins on the board.

On powered up, the power LED gets ON and the Network Status LED starts to blink. The network LED blink every second and after when the Modem registers the network, the LED will blink in every 3 seconds. The GSM module takes some time, around 60 seconds to establish a connection with mobile networks.

Send sms using gsm module with Arduino

Here we are sending TEXT messages from GSM modem with Arduino UNO using AT commands.

Connect GSM device to Arduino as  Rx and TX pin of the GSM module to TX and Rx pin of the arduino respectively; as explained above in interfacing. Using the below code the GSM module can be directly connected to the Arduino serial pins.

Arduino GSM SMS code 

void setup()
  //Set Exact Baud rate of the GSM/GPRS Module.
  /*Replace XXXXXXXXXX to 10 digit mobile number &  ZZ to 2 digit country code*/
  //The text of the message to be sent.
  Serial.print("HELLO WORLD");   
void loop()

The set of operation code is placed in the void setup (). Each time when the Arduino is powered ON’s an SMS will send, as the void setup function only run once. Or Resetting the Arduino board (press the reset switch on the Arduino board) also sends a message.

In the AT commands,

AT+CMGF=1\r,  put the modem in SMS text format mode.

AT+CMGS=\”+ZZ XXXXXXXXXX\”\r, The SMS will send to the 10 digit  number written as XXXXXXXXXX with 2 digit country code ZZ.

Here the TEXT is “Hello world”, replace it with the TEXT need to be sent.

0x1A, it is the hexadecimal of the decimal character code 26, which is  Substituted (SUB) symbol in ASCII control characters.

Send SMS using push switch

In this device whenever the switch is pressed, a text message (text in the code) will send to the number specified in the code. When the pushbutton is pressed, the Arduino sends the AT commands to the GSM module, for a text SMS; the GSM module works with the “AT commands”.

gsm send sms, arduino gsm

Connect the TX, RX and GND pins from the Arduino to the GSM as labelled in the diagram. Then connect the push switch between the 5V and pin2. Add a pull-down resistor across the pin2 and Ground. The Pin2 is configured as the input pin. When the pin2 reads an active high state, the sketch inside the if condition will be executed. And the SMS sends.

A variable called state is also added to the condition function of the program, it is to prevent multiple sending of SMS on a single switch press. The “if” condition becomes true only when the digitalRead at pin 2 is high and the value of variable state is ‘ 0 ‘. The value of variable state is initialized as ‘ 0 ‘. On pressing the switch, the “if” condition becomes true, that the SMS sends and the state value set to ‘ 1 ‘. Only when the switch is released the state value sets back to ‘ 0 ‘. Only the switch press after the setback of the state to ‘ 0 ‘ makes the if condition true. So a long press will not send multiple SMS, only press after a release sends the next SMS. That is, each consecutive press sends each SMS.

Arduino GSM send SMS code

int state = 0;
const int pin = 2;
void setup()
  //Set Exact Baud rate of the GSM/GPRS Module.
void loop()
  if (digitalRead(pin) == HIGH && state == 0) {
    /*Replace XXXXXXXXXX to 10 digit mobile number & ZZ to 2 digit country code*/
    //The text of the message to be sent.
    Serial.print("HELLO WORLD");
    state = 1;
 if (digitalRead(pin) == LOW && state == 1) {
    state = 0;

Receive SMS using GSM module

Here the GSM module has to interface with the arduino using software serial and the received SMS will be displayed through the serial monitor.

Arduino gsm module pinout software serial

Arduino pin GSM modem pin
2 TX
3 RX

Read  SMS from a message storage area Arduino code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial serial(2, 3); // RX digital pin 2, TX digital pin 3.

void setup()
  serial.begin(9600); //Baud rate of the GSM/GPRS Module
  serial.println("AT+CMGR=1\r");//Read SMS at location 1.
void loop()
  if (serial.available() > 0) {
    int    c =;

Replace the serial.println(“AT+CMGR=1\r”); with

serial.println("AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0\r"); - To read newly arrived SMS.
serial.println("AT+CMGL=ALL\r"); - To list all received messages.

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99 Responses

  1. Pradeep Bhikaji Thombre says:

    Sir how to send current location via sms to phone using gsm module and aurdino

  2. admin says:

    This is the complete code to display almost all the available data in the GPS. If you need only the latitude and longitude values use the code given in the article.

    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
    #include <TinyGPS.h>
    TinyGPS gps;
    SoftwareSerial serialgps(4,3);
    int year;
    byte month, day, hour, minute, second, hundredths;
    unsigned long chars;
    unsigned short sentences, failed_checksum;
    void setup()
    Serial.println("GPS Shield QuickStart Example Sketch v12");
    Serial.println(" ...waiting for lock... ");
    void loop()
    int c =; 
    float latitude, longitude;
    gps.f_get_position(&latitude, &longitude);
    Serial.print("Lat/Long: "); 
    Serial.print(", "); 
    Serial.print("Date: "); Serial.print(month, DEC); Serial.print("/"); 
    Serial.print(day, DEC); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(year);
    Serial.print(" Time: "); Serial.print(hour, DEC); Serial.print(":"); 
    Serial.print(minute, DEC); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(second, DEC); 
    Serial.print("."); Serial.println(hundredths, DEC);
    Serial.print("Altitude (meters): "); Serial.println(gps.f_altitude()); 
    Serial.print("Course (degrees): "); Serial.println(gps.f_course()); 
    Serial.print("Speed(kmph): "); Serial.println(gps.f_speed_kmph());
    Serial.print("Satellites: "); Serial.println(gps.satellites());
    gps.stats(&chars, &sentences, &failed_checksum);
  3. Ss says:

    Can I send sms to multipal mobile no with single gsm card

    • admin says:

      Yes, you can. It has nothing with the GSM card, it is completely up to what you have written in Arduino code.

      • Pocha Abhilash Reddy says:

        Any code for sending SMS to multiple mobile numbers with a single gsm card sir.

        • admin says:

          Just repeat the same code to send SMS by adding a new number and message.
          Or the number can be placed in an array, number[] = {“AT+CMGS=\”+ZZXXXXXXXXXX\”\r”,—-other numbers—-,”AT+CMGS=\”+ZZXXXXXXXXYY\”\r”}
          Then by using number[0],number[1] separate numbers can be selected.

    • Pocha Abhilash Reddy says:

      Did You do this work sir/Madam

  4. Niki says:

    Sir how to send data of ultrasonic sensor using Arduino and gsm

  5. mawe says:

    sir the module i have is SIM800L EVB which is the version 2 of SIM800. .my problem is the NET(LED) is blinking every seconds whch means it does not connected to the network. how can i possibly fix this ? thank you for the help. more power !

    • admin says:

      Maybe its due to lack of signal strength. Make sure the spot has enough signal coverage, or try at different locations, also adjust the antenna. You should try it for a few minutes to register a connection with the service provider.
      Many times I had brand new but defective modules, so first make sure it is working.

  6. prathamesh says:

    sir i need a code in which sms is send by sim900 by push button and by receiving the sms by sim900( on or off)sms relay activate or off plz i need help

  7. Hari says:

    Hi sir I am using sim900a GSM module how to send SMS to multiple numbers using esp8266 please share if any code

  8. SK AMIRUL says:

    I need a code for make a voice call by sim900 by push button.

  9. Ellysssa says:

    The sms keep sending mutiple times even i don’t press the button

  10. Harika says:

    sir I want the code for sending current location via latitude and longitude to the mobile phone by using gsm 900a module, Neo 6mGps module
    and arduino uno

    • admin says:

      Integrate the code for GPS receiver with the code for GSM.
      Refer : GPS receiver using arduino
      Under the area for – “//The text of the message to be sent” in the code for GSM. Use,

            Serial.print("Latitude :");
            Serial.println(slat, 6);
            Serial.println(slon, 6);
  11. Sanket Bhaute says:

    How can I send SMS and current location from GSM900A and GPS SIM28ML using switch

  12. SRUITH says:

    I want how to gsm send the message .full details and working of gprs,interfacing of GSM and ARDUINO.

  13. darji hadik says:

    I am making smart dustbin. In it I have used Ultrasonic sensors, I have used aurdino Uno, Ultrasonic sensor and gsm 800.Whenever someone comes against Ultrasonic sensor, you can write a program to get messages from gsm’s help.

  14. Beena says:

    How to send SMS to multiple no.

    • admin says:

      You can either add the same code repeating once again with another number. Or you can add number numbers to an array and use “for loop” to call array.

  15. Sizzy says:

    sir, the code for send sms using push button, sends sms even without me pushing the button…how do i fix that

    • Sizzy says:

      my code:
      SoftwareSerial sim808(7,8);

      int state = 0;
      const int pin = 2;
      void setup()
      //Set Exact Baud rate of the GSM/GPRS Module.
      void loop()
      if (digitalRead(pin) == HIGH && state == 0) {


      sim808.print(“Distress Signal, HELP!!!”);
      state = 1;
      else {
      state = 0;

      im using sim808

    • admin says:

      Most probably it is due to false input. Check and ensure that the pull-down resistors are properly connected between the Input and GND terminals.

  16. Tik says:

    I have a microschema Sim300DZ, do you have a the seal for Sim300DZ?

  17. Mai says:

    Sir , i used the same code , but the sms not send to the phone it just printed in the serial monitor . What can i do ??

    • admin says:

      Actually the code provided for SMS send, uses arduino default serial port which communicates on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Hence you will get the same data in the serial monitor, if opened.
      Upload the code and connect the pins of the GSM device to Arduino as, Rx pin (GSM) to TX pin (arduino pin 1) and TX pin (GSM) to Rx pin (arduino pin 0).

  18. Sasi says:

    Sir can give the code by combining it as sms gps traking

  19. pcturng says:

    Sir, it is keep sending sms when input maintain and i dont want like this, just only one sms event input still maintain, pls help

  20. nithish says:

    sir ,your explanation is perfect.sir i am using ultra sonic sensor with gsm . In my case i have used if statement that if(distance>10) the gsm will sent sms to mobile number but in my case the object always greater than 10 the gsm sent the sms continuously.I need to sent sms only once for time period of two hours.please help me with code

    • admin says:

      Did you mean to send the sms always once every 2 hours or once every 2 hours if the distance value is above 10cm and unchanged, but need to send once if it comes below 10cm irrespective of 2 hours interval?

  21. Toufiq says:

    I am doing a project called “IOT Based underground fault locator”. I am using a 16X2 lcd display with the circuit to show the fault distance…Now i want to add a GSM module to see the fault distance in my smart phone. What should be the code?

    • admin says:

      Refer the here code in the post for send SMS. Use sgsm.print(“Y: “); sgsm.println(dist2); like lcd.write(“Y: “); lcd.print(dist2);.

  22. aakriti says:

    sir can gsm be operated if i connect it to th 5 v pin on arduino or should i connect it with 12 v dc battery??

  23. vinil says:

    i need a code without using push button on gps and gsm module and i have to get msgs of locations to my mobile sir! is that possible send me the code

  24. Anas says:

    Sir can i send sms from my phone to gsm module? I wanna use that as a user control system to check the sensor data whenever user wants.

  25. Everson says:

    I want to send sms notification to an inputted phone number from my web-based application (php). It is possible by using arduino uno and gsm module??

    • admin says:

      You have to either use an Ethernet shield to connect arduino via internet or use a php script to communicate with arduino via serial port (arduino is not really required). Here in this method of php – serial port, with a USB to rs232 or USB to TTL connection you can directly send commands from USB to GSM module without an arduino.

  26. Van says:

    Sir How Can I make a solenoid lock activate by sending sms to the gsm module?

    • admin says:

      You can check the received SMS text to switch the solenoid with an if condition; like,
      if(c == “ON” ){
      if(c == “OFF” ){
      //Digital pin 10 can be connected to solenoid +5V terminal.

  27. Aung Thu says:

    Does SIM900A module support 3G/4G network in Australia?

    • admin says:

      It is a 2G module, it doesn’t support 3G/4G.

      • Aung Thu says:

        Do you have any recommendation of 3G/4G module that is able to connect to the mobile operator and send SMS in Australia?

        • admin says:

          In Australia, (4G)LTE Supported bands are are B1, B3, B5, B7, B28, B40, and common 3G frequencies are 850MHz, 900MHz, and 2100Mhz.
          You can check the details of modules that support the above bands, eg:- EC25-AUT LTE module.

  28. Priya says:

    Can I use this code for Arduino Nano with SIM800L ?

  29. Amul Dhungel says:

    Hello, i have gsm SIM900a (simcom) S2-1040V-Z094T and i have connected its vcc to the 5v of arduino and gnd to the gnd of arduino, also i have connected RX to D9 and TX to D10, i have inserted the same company sim in gsm and i find network in my mobile when that sim is connected to my mobile but even i insert it gsm and setup connection as above the D6 led of gsm blinks each second. And when i run code i get this message in serial monitor.

    Enter character for control option:
    h : to disconnect a call
    i : to receive a call
    s : to send message
    c : to make a call
    e : to redial


    +CFUN: 1


  30. Priya says:

    Hi. How do I adjust the code to display received messages on an 0.96 128x64I2C OLED?
    Can you please help to send me code with that?

    • admin says:

      You have to add an u8glib library (Universal Graphics Library for 8 Bit Embedded Systems). Then instead of serial monitor, you can use u8g.print(); to display values to OLED display. You can refer more syntax and functions from the examples provided with the u8glib library.

  31. rajendran says:

    well nice code working fine ,how to combine push button code with receive sms code thro lcd with arduino advance thanks

  32. Chandran says:

    Sir Could the send the code for making a phone call to 3 phone numebrs

  33. Pankaj says:

    i tried many ways but not able to read received message on my GSM 900A. Admin pls help where is the error

    int GLED = 4;
    char inchar;
    int i = 0;
    int count=0;
    SoftwareSerial SIM900(5,6);

    void setup()
    SIM900.println(“AT+CMGF=1”); // set SMS mode to text
    SIM900.println(“AT+CMGD=1,4”); // delete all SMS
    Serial.println (“SIM900A Ready”);


    void loop()
    //If a character comes in from the GSM…
    Serial.println(“Inside available if”);
    inchar =;
    digitalWrite(GLED, HIGH);
    else if (inchar==’1′)
    digitalWrite(GLED, LOW);

    count= count++;
    SIM900.println(“AT+CMGD=1,4”); // delete all SMS

    • admin says:

      Try removing the line “SIM900.println(“AT+CMGD=1,4”); // delete all SMS”, inside the void setup().

  34. TEL says:

    it is nice
    sir how can I interface 4G GSM module with arduino
    sir could you send the code to interface 4G GSM module with arduino

  35. Xanxus123 says:

    sir good day, how to set threshold values of the sensors using gsm? Thank yoy

    • admin says:

      Send the threshold value to the receiver GSM. At the receiver read the SMS, the sixth field of the whole SMS string is the message. From the message value convert the string to an int and use it as the sensor variable.

  36. adriane says:

    sir I’m doing my project biometric scanner with gsm but I don’t know how to combine the codes of gsm and finger print scanner

    • admin says:

      Could you explain how you need to combine the code?
      Please share your fingerprint code and tell what action you have to do, like sending SMS on verifying the finger print, etc.

  37. Boney says:

    Hello can i send 3 different sms from 3 different sensor using GSM900A

    • Boney says:

      this is my try to send 2 different from 2 different sensors.

      SoftwareSerial SIM900(7,8); //gsm module
      String textForSMS;
      int data1=0;
      int data2=0;
      int fsrAnalogPin = A0; // FSR is connected to analog 0
      int fsrReading; // the analog reading from the FSR resistor divider
      int ledPin = 13; // choose the pin for the LED
      int LEDpin = 11; // connect Red LED to pin 11 (PWM pin)
      int inputPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for PIR sensor)
      int pirState = LOW; // we start, assuming no motion detected
      int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status hold data
      int LEDbrightness;
      int buzzer = 9;

      String f1001 = “+601119572678″;

      void setup() {
      SIM900.begin(9600); // original 19200. while enter 9600 for sim900A
      Serial.println(” logging time completed!”);
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
      pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // declare sensor as input
      pinMode(fsrAnalogPin, INPUT);
      pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);
      delay(5000); // wait for 5 seconds


      void loop() {
      fsrReading = analogRead(fsrAnalogPin);
      Serial.print(“Analog reading = “);

      // we’ll need to change the range from the analog reading (0-1023) down to the range
      // used by analogWrite (0-255) with map!
      LEDbrightness = map(fsrReading, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
      // LED gets brighter the harder you press
      analogWrite(LEDpin, LEDbrightness);

      val = digitalRead(inputPin); // read input value
      if (val == HIGH) { // check if the input is HIGH
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn LED ON
      tone(buzzer, 800, 200);
      if (pirState == LOW) {
      // we have just turned on
      Serial.println(“Motion detected!”);
      // We only want to print on the output change, not state
      pirState = HIGH;
      else {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED OFF
      if (pirState == HIGH){
      // we have just turned of
      Serial.println(“Motion ended!”);
      // We only want to print on the output change, not state
      pirState = LOW;

      data1 = analogRead(fsrAnalogPin);

      if ( data1 > 200) //
      textForSMS = “\nIntruder detected”;
      sendsms(“Intruder detected Level 1”, f1001); // you can use a variable of the type String
      Serial.println(“message sent.”);

      data2 = analogRead(inputPin);
      if ( data2 > 150) //
      textForSMS = “\nIntruder detected”;
      sendsms(“Intruder detected Level 2”, f1001); // you can use a variable of the type String
      Serial.println(“message sent.”);

      void sendsms(String message, String number)
      String mnumber = “AT + CMGS = \””+number+”\””;
      SIM900.println(mnumber); // recipient’s mobile number, in international format

      SIM900.println(message); // message to send
      SIM900.println((char)26); // End AT command with a ^Z, ASCII code 26
      delay(100); // give module time to send SMS
      // SIM900power();

    • admin says:

      Use separate if conditions to send SMS for respective sensor readings. If 3 sensors need to send 3 different SMS every time then repeat the code to send SMS one by one for 3 times.

  38. Siddharth Chhaparia says:

    Sir i am making a taser with sos feature and for the sos i want to send a sms with the exact location of the the person.
    What components will i need for the sos and how will i configure it and how to make it fit in a small package.

  39. jerm says:

    hello sir my code incounter unlimeted sms using arduino uno and gsm sim900a . what function needed?
    how should it be received only one SMS??

    • admin says:

      If you need to send it once since power ON the Arduino place the code to send SMS inside void setup(); so it runs only once. Or by adding an “if condition” to limit the number of times the SMS send; given in the article, using a switch – to send SMS only when the switch is pressed. Both codes are provided in the article.

  40. subith says:

    i cant send and recieve sgms by using GSM sim 900 and arduino mega.
    and also serieal monitor is not working.
    pls send me total code of this prgm

  41. Kent Lou says:

    How to send sms to a 3 digit number? like 808

    • admin says:

      If your service provider supports that number dialing, then it works. The Arduino is just giving a command to GSM to make a call on the number specified.

  42. Joshua says:

    hello admin how can i interface an arduino uno software with GSM module pliz help

  43. manuel says:

    hello, how can i view sms messages in mysql database? can gsm900 module + arduino canserve as simple gatewate?

  44. Nasser says:

    my country code consist of three digits and when i type it and run the code, the message is not received.

    sim800l.print(“AT+CMGS=\”+971XXXXXXXXXX\”\r”); //Your phone number don’t forget to include your country code, example +212123456789″

  45. marilyn mubin says:

    hi sir,, can I used globe at home modem for sending sms using arduino uno?

  46. Lijo John says:

    If i want to send same message to multiple numbers.
    What will be the code

  47. isha says:

    how to cancel the message that is in the process of sending?

  48. Abiy says:

    Dear Sir, how to send a message once in the loop? pls help me.

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