Category: Basic Electrical


What is an Arc Chute in circuit breakers?

An arc chute is a critical component in the design of circuit breakers. Its primary function is to efficiently quench and extinguish the arc that is formed when the circuit breaker interrupts the flow...


Why ohm’s law is applicable to conductors only?

Ohm’s Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering that establishes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. It states that the current (I) flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional...


Pure sine wave vs Modified sine wave inverters

An electrical inverter is a device that converts a steady flow of DC supply into a dynamic oscillating AC waveform. The inverter’s functionality extends to numerous applications, ranging from home solar systems, uninterruptible AC...


Multimeter vs Clamp Meter: Which one to buy?

Choosing the right tool for the job can be tricky, especially when it comes to electrical work. Multimeters and clamp meters are both handy electrical testers, but which one deserves a spot in your...


Why incandescent bulbs consume more power?

Ever noticed that some light bulbs seem to guzzle up more electricity than others? Well, those are the old-school incandescent bulbs, and there’s a reason behind their power-hungry nature. Unlike newer types of bulbs,...