Order Number C1 In μf (micro farad) C2 In μf (micro farad) C3 In μf (micro farad) Applied Voltage Volts Capacitors in series connection Capacitors in series connection Total capacitance, CT = μf Charge Q = μC In μC (micro coulomb) For series-connected capacitors, the charge Q on each capacitor is the same, Q1=Q2=Q3=Q. But the potential difference across each capacitor is different. Voltage across Capacitor C1 V1 = v In volts Voltage across Capacitor C2 V2 = v In volts Voltage across Capacitor C3 V3 = v In volts Capacitors in parallel connection Capacitors in parallel connection Total capacitance, CT = μf For parallel-connected capacitors, the potential difference across each capacitor is the same, V1=V2=V3=V. But the charge on each is different. Charge across Capacitor C1 Q1 = μC In μC Charge across Capacitor C2 Q2 = μC In μC Charge across Capacitor C3 Q3 = μC In μC