Electrical and Electronics: 150+ A-Z Abbreviations and Full Forms Guide
Electrical Abbreviations and Acronyms are used very often in the field of electrical industrial.
The page contains a list of abbreviations and its full forms, which are commonly used in electrical and electronics engineering.
Abbreviations | Full Form |
A | Ampere |
AAAC | All Aluminum Alloy Conductor |
AAC | All Aluminum Conductor |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACCB | Air Case Circuit Breaker |
ACDB | Alternating Current Distribution Board |
ACSR | Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced |
ADC | Analog To Digital Converter |
AFC | Automated Frequency Control |
AFC | Available Fault Current |
AFCI | Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter |
AH | Ampere Hour |
AHU | Air Handling Unit |
AIC | Ampere Interrupting Capacity |
AL | Aluminum |
ALCI | Appliance Leakage Current Interrupter |
APFC | Automatic Power Factor Control |
ATS | Automatic Transfer Switch |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
BLAC | Brushless AC |
BLDC | Brushless DC |
BLDM | Brushless DC Motor |
C | Capacitance |
CKT | Circuit |
CPT | Control Power Transformer |
CT | Current Transformer |
DAC | Digital To Analog Converter |
DB | Distribution Board |
db | Decibel |
DC | Direct Current |
DCDB | Direct Current Distribution Board |
DOL | Direct ON Line |
DP | Double Pole |
DPIC | Double Pole Iron Clad |
DPR | Dividing Pulse Relay |
EC | Electronic Commutator |
EF | Exhaust Fan |
EHT | Extra High Tension |
ELCB | Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker |
EST | Extra Super Tension |
F | Fuse |
f | Farad |
FBT | Flyback Transformer |
FLA | Full Load Amperes |
FMC | Flexible Metal Conduit |
GDT | Gas Discharge Tube |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupter |
GIS | Gas Insulated Switchgear |
GND | Ground |
GO | Gang Operated |
HT | High Tension |
HZ | Hertz |
I | Current |
ICDB | Iron Clad Distribution Board |
ICSP | In Circuit Serial Programming |
ICTP | Iron Clad Triple Pole |
IG | Isolated Ground |
IGBT | Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor |
IMC | Intermediate Metal Conduit |
IPMSM | Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
KV | Kilo Volts |
KVA | Kilo Volt Amperes |
Kvar | Kilo Volt Amperes Reactive |
KW | Kilo Watt |
KWH | Kilo Watt Hour |
L | Inductance |
LA | Lightning Arrester |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LDR | Light Dependent Resistor |
LOPT | Line Output Transformer |
LPS | Lightning Protection System |
LRA | Locked Rotor Amperes |
LT | Low Tension |
LVDT | Linear Variable Differential Transformer |
MCB | Miniature Circuit Breaker |
MCC | Motor Control Center Panel |
MCCB | Moulded Case Circuit Breaker |
MCP | Motor Circuit Protection |
MF | Multiplying Factor |
MISO | Master Input Slave Output |
MOSI | Master Output Slave Input |
MOV | Metal oxide varistor |
MS | Main Switch |
MVA | Mega Volt Amperes |
Mvar | Mega Volt Amperes Reactive |
MW | Megawatt |
NC | Normally Closed |
NCT | Neutral Current Transformer |
NL | Neutral Link |
NO | Normally Open |
OCTC | On-circuit Tap Changer |
OLTC | On-load Tap Changer |
P | Pole |
PB | Push Button |
PCC | Power Control Centre Panel |
PDP | Power Distribution Panel |
PM | Permanent Magnet |
PMSM | Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
PT | Potential Transformer |
PVC | Poly Vinyl Chloride |
Q | Charge |
R | Resistance |
RCBO | Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection |
RCCB | Residual Current Circuit Breaker |
RCD | Residual Current Device |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RLA | Rated Load Amperes |
RMC | Rigid Metal Conduit |
RMG | Ring Main Gear |
RMU | Ring Main Unit |
RNC | Rigid Non Metallic Conduit |
RPR | Reverse Power Relay |
SB | Switch Board |
SCIM | Squirrel Cage Induction Motor |
SCK | Serial Clock |
SCR | Silicon Controlled Rectifier |
SFU | Switch Fuse Unit |
SP | Single Pole |
SPDT | Single Pole Double Throw |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPMSM | Surface Permanent magnet Synchronous Motor |
SPST | Single Pole Single Throw |
SPT | Stranded Parallel Thermoplastic |
SRM | Switched Reluctance Motor |
SSR | Solid State Relay |
ST | Super Tension |
STR | Statimax Trip Release |
SW | Switch |
SWG | Standard Wire Gauge |
SyRM | Synchronous Reluctance Motor |
TTL | Transistor-Transistor Logic |
TMCB | Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker |
TPDT | Triple Pole Double Throw |
TPIC | Triple Pole Iron Clad |
TPS | Triple Pole Switch |
TPST | Triple Pole Single Throw |
TRS | Tough Rubber Sheathed |
TVS-Diode | Transient Voltage Suppression Diode |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter |
UDS | Uniform Drawing System |
UG | Under Ground |
USART | Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
V | Volts |
VA | Volt Ampere |
var | Volt Ampere Reactive |
VCB | Vacuum Circuit Breaker |
VFDP | Variable Frequency Drive Panel |
VIR | Vulcanized Indian Rubber |
VT | Voltage Transformer |
W | watt |
WRIM | Wound Rotor Induction Motor |
WRSM | Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor |
XLPE | Cross-linked Polyethylene |
what is full form of SFU in electrical
SFU – Switch Fuse Unit
Please,say what is the full form of TPICN AND DPDTIC
If you are referring to switches then,
TPIC – Three-Pole Iron Clad Switch
DPDTIC – Double-Pole Double Throw Iron Clad Switch
Sir please…
What is the full form of AB in electrical supply
AB – Air Break Switch
Switch fuse unit
P.I full form
Switch fuse unit
Switch fuse unit
what is rmg
RMG – Ring Main Gear
add me in your group
Ring main gear .
What is the full form of ‘n’ and ‘e’
n – Commonly used to represent nano values, 10^-9.
e – It is used as induced e.m.f, or an elementary charge e = 1.602 x 106-19 and also as an exponential function in equations.
These letters may also have used an abbreviation for some other terms too.
It’s nice. …
I want more. ..
I want more knowledge of electrical and electronic
Components.. .
what is full form of MIVC in partial discharge
what is full form of ICM compact in partial discharge
What means of ohms
Ohms (Symbol: Ω) is the SI unit of electrical resistance.
Referring to solar plants then it must be, ACCB – AC Combiner Box. ACCB is used for the interface between inverter and grid.
what is full form PAS &PAL in Electronics
PAL – Phase Alternating Line : a color encoding system used for analogue television.
PAS is related to which system or branch? Any hints.
str : is sort tarm relasonsip
ig bt: is insuladed gate bipolar transistor
ssr: is solid stst relay
sar arakom onak parce asa bat agolo dan ne kano?
D. o. r. Thanks ka full form
Full form of EB in mobile towers
In mobile communication, the term Enhanced Bandwidth & Equipment Box also uses EB as an abbreviation.
Electrician full form
Why is there no mention of Watts or W or any combination of other letters with W in this lis?
Your suggestion is accepted.
what’s the full form of Npdb ?
what is hp
hp – Horsepower is a unit of measurement of power in the foot-pound-second (fps) system.
What is full form of BCR
In technology terms, BCR is used as a shortform for Backspace card reader and Barcode reader.
VCM – Vehicle Communication Module
D.O.R Full ka Nam ??
Sometimes DOR is used for the term Digital Optical Recording.
Full form of x’mer
X’mer or Xmr is used as a short form of Transformer.
what is vcc
VCC – voltage at the common collector. Power supply voltage connected to the collector of a bipolar transistor.
I want this pdf
And pdf full form of all elecrical circuit breakers
What’s full form of COL.NO. 12/c IN Electrical diagram
N. L
L. D. R
V. A
Full form plz
Full form of all the above short forms are on the list, please refer.
very nice your full form
St full form
Maybe ST for Shunt Trip.
What is full form ABC cable
Aerial Bundled Conductors or Aerial Bundled Cables
I have a U.S. lighting plan with ‘UDL” next to the recessed cans, “UDS”(sconce maybe). what does that mean?
UDS means Uniform Drawing System, it’s a standardized guideline used for building designs.
Are sure its UDL. I doubt it is UDI – Unique Device Identification.
What is the full form of gis
It is in the list, GIS – Gas Insulated Switchgear
Good and very nice
What’s full form of UPS
UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
What is the full form of spt
SPT – Stranded Parallel Thermoplastic; Stranded Copper Conductors with Thermoplastic Insulation.
What is the off
What was the full form of ‘SMSB’?
SMSB – Sub Main Switchboard
Admin how about the ff.:
Thank you for what you will answer.
Hint !. could you please tell me, to what these terms are related?
V L E FULL FROM please my email
Ka mean
kA – kiloamps or kilo Amperes.
What is the full form of dBM, ISM, BER
dBm – unit level for power ratio expressed in decibels (dB) with reference to one milliwatt (mW).
ISM band – Industrial, Scientific, and Medical band (a portion of radio spectrum).
BER – Bit Error Rate.
What is full from GO& DO
GO – Gang-operated; GO switch – Gang operated switch is commonly used Air Breaker in HT Lines, which has three separate switches for each phase of the 3 phase line that is operated as a group from a single control.
DO – Drop out; DO switch or DO Fuse – A combination of a fuse and a switch used to protect distribution transformers from current surges and overloads.
Full form of VIR , OLRC , RCC in electrical
Are you looking for terms related to wiring?
VIR – Vulcanized Indian Rubber
RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete
OLRC also related to wiring?
What is Full form of LTAC, LTDB in electrical
LTAC – Low Tension AC
LTDB – Low Tension Distribution Box
My life electricity
GOS Full form ?
GOS – Group Operated Switches
Pls the full form or LPDP
What is the meaning PMI
Nice full form
CB , MC and Ch ka full form ?
CB- Circuit Breaker
MC – Metal-Clad
CH – Cutler Hammer
CH is also used to label Ceiling Height
Electriocn full from
Ultimate knowledge 👌👌👌👌👌
Super nice full form
What is the full form of tkc in electrical project ?
You think? any company names.
Please help me with abbreviations like DMS,CBL,DS CBS,CA and MS in 161KV switchgear panels
What is the full form of RDG and DMD mentioned in electric bill?
Super blog on Full Forms. Thanks for sharing.
what is the full form is SF-6
SF6 -Sulfur hexafluoride; a gas used in SF6 breakers which has excellent electrical insulation.
What is the full form is M.P.R
MPR – Motor Protection Relay
what is full form DOCK_PWR_SW
It might be a, DOCK_PWR_SW – DOCK Power Switch
Full form of BTA, BTA_X, HTB &HTB_X
The meaning of VRI
What is full form of MNP in electrical
What is “IFL”?
Full form of Tpgo
Expand BCR IN electrical department
plz aad
PSEL full form in Mobile Track name