Tagged: ultrasonic sensor


Ultrasonic automatic braking RC car project

Ultrasonic braking is a method of collision avoidance system that can automatically brake the vehicle before an impact. That is whenever any obstruction came in front of the vehicle the system disengages the power...


How to make Ultrasonic Water Level Indicator Arduino

Ultrasonic water level indicator mainly consists of an HC-SR04 ultrasonic module, which is used for non-contact distance readings. Ultrasonic water level sensing is a non-contact level measurement technique. For measuring water level, place the ultrasonic...


Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Using Arduino | How to make

An ultrasonic distance measurement is a non-contact distance ranging technique. It is simply based on using the echo. That is calculating the distance by analysing the time required for the propagation of sound waves....


Arduino Ultrasonic servo rover distance meter

Ultrasonic sensors are widely using sensors for various applications, especially for robotic projects such as navigation robots, obstacle avoidance vehicles, etc. An ultrasonic sensor can very precisely measure the distance to an object up to...